Best viewed in Chrome on a desktop or laptop computer. Mobile users, enable screen rotation in your settings to best view the activities. See notes about readability and mobile phones below.

Hi there! I hope you find something useful on this website. The purpose of this website is to provide tips and resources to help you with your general studies and your journey learning the English language (it’s mostly about learning English, but some of my strategies may help you learn another language). The website still has its limitations, as I am not a professional web designer and I have a very busy full-time job which leaves me with little time to maintain this website. Please click on a category in the red links above.
Accessibility & Readability on this website
When I first started to create this website, I understood the principles of readability, but knew very little about accessibility. I built most of the website whilst in pandemic lockdown, when I had a lot of time. Now that I know more about online accessibility and making webpages accessible to all, I have gradually started to edit the website and improve it in this area. However, I have struck two problems; firstly, unfortunately my time is very limited, so the going is slow. Secondly, some of the activities have been created with plugins which do not fully support accessibility.
What have I done so far? I have increased line spacing, inter-letter spacing and inter-word spacing on this site to maximise readability on tablets, laptops or desktop computers. However, I have used some third party apps to create activities on some pages, and unfortunately, I have no way to control text in these apps. You may need to zoom these activities or maximise the embedded app. To zoom, press the CTRL button and + (Command and + on a Mac).
How to further enhance readability
You may still wish to adjust the way this site is displayed to you. To further improve the readability of this site, I recommend the free Helperbird browser extension. Click here for more information.
Why do I not recommend using a mobile phone to use this website?
I strongly encourage users to avoid using mobile phones on this website for two main reasons. Firstly, spending excessive time using interactive online content on a mobile phone is known to cause health problems, namely damage to eyes and hands (due to repetitive strain). Secondly, many of the activities work better on computers. While most of the pages and activities on this site will function on a mobile phone, you will have a better and healthier experience on a desktop computer or laptop. However, if you do choose to view this site on your mobile phone, please read the guide here
Guide to this website
Please click here for an explanation of how to use this website.
My heartfelt thanks to and for all of the royalty-free images I have used on this website. While for various reasons it has not been possible to give credit to every individual artist, I thank them for their generosity.